About Cerebral Gaming

You might be wondering about Cerebral Gaming why the site exists and who is behind it. Read on to learn more!

What is Cerebral Gaming?

We can tell you straight off that our agenda is simple: We write the  most genuine and trusted reviews of all things crypto that exist online. Our reviews focus on what the platform offers but also presents a step by step guide to get you up and running if you are keen to get started.

We use bitcoin casinos and crypto trading platforms on a daily basis for and we want to share our insights in the format of reviews so you learn from our experiences.

We will also share crypto video reviews on our youtube channel from time to time.

Who is behind Cerebral Gaming?

We prefer to remain anonymous not because we have anything to hide. It is because sometimes being brutally honest can make people pretty mean. We also believe that by remaining anonymous we can write honest reviews of a bitcoin casino or crypto trading platforms without being reprimanded by companies who run these sites.

What we can share about ourselves is this: we are more than one person, multinational, all in our 30’s we are currently are more female than males.

Cerebral Gaming

Our Experience

We all love playing online casino and are suckers for a good welcome bonus. We enjoy a site with good gamification and incentives along with engaging seasonal promotions. We typically enjoy the thrill of jackpot slots or any slot with a higher RTP (return to player).

At some point of our careers we have all worked or are still working in the online gambling sector and have lived in Malta (the island of online gambling). Our roles have ranged from Support, CRM to Affiliates, Casino Managers and so on. We have worked with some of the largest gambling operators in the industry. In other words we know how an online casino works from the inside out.

We got into Blockchain, Crypto and blockchain in 2016. Bitcoin has a certain thrill about it which simply makes you curious. In our case curiosity CAUGHT the cat, to the extent where one of us has studied the blockchain and crypto economics at a post-graduate level.

Cerebral Gaming

Back in 2016 buying bitcoin was a pretty complicated task. We might have missed the mining phase but we’ve bought bitcoin, we’ve lost our Ethereum private keys, bought alt coins that were ridiculous, lots money, read pipe dream white papers, gone to a few conferences and so on. We have worked in online trading but before the crypto phase. So when it comes to crypto trading we are hobbiest and during the better days of Bitcoin have made decent profit trading crypto. On that note a little disclaimer, we will not be giving any investment advise on this site.

Affiliate Disclosure

All information shared here is information we have gathered during our own personal experiences on sites we’ve engaged with.

Our core objective is giving an honest review, however we do have affiliate links pointing to the sites we review. This is our way of earning a little bit of a kick back for our efforts. This site is not free to run, we have hosting, design and some dev requirements that we need to pay for so any commissions earned helps us keep doing what we love.

Affiliate sites exist across all industries. Affiliates act as middle men between customers and sellers. Affiliates tend to be able to give a more geniune and detailed review of products than the actual seller themselves. So affiliate typically do not own the intellectual property (physical or non physical) but they then push a link towards the company that is and they get a kick back if the person buys. My favourite travel affiliate site is skyscanner. My favourite ecommerce affiliate site is amazon!

High commissions or financial incentives will not bias our views. If we don’t like a site we will be honest. If we aren’t honest and everything is 5 out of 5, there is really no value to this website.

Responsible Gambling and Trading

We do not endorse, encourage, motivate or inspire under age gambling or trading. In most countries the age limit is 18+ If you are under 18 do not gamble or trade it is against the law. If you do manage to sign up to any online casino or exchange you are breaking the law and their terms and conditions and any winnings you may make/earn will not be redeemed upon the company carrying out due diligence on you. There is simply NO benefit.

For people of age, gamble responsible, never gamble what you don’t have or cant afford to lose.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like to contact us, send us an email to biz@cerebralgaming.org and we will get back to you as soon as possible.